
Certified Advisor

Nexam Chemical has as its Certified Advisor appointed:

FNCA Sweden AB
Humlegårdsgatan 5
102 48 Stockholm
Tel. +46-8 528 00 399

Nasdaq Stockholm First North is an alternative market, operated by the different exchanges within Nasdaq. It does not have the same legal status as a regulated market. Companies at First North Premier are subject to the rules of First North and not the legal requirements for admission to trading on a regulated market. An investment in a company that is traded on First North Premier is riskier than an investment in a company that is traded on a regulated market.

All companies with shares traded on First North Premier has a Certified Adviser that monitors that the Company are in compliance with the rules and regulations of First North concerning disclosure of information to the market and investors. FNCA, which is a member of and has a contract with NASDAQ Stockholm, is the certified adviser of Nexam Chemical. A certified adviser audits companies with shares that are to be admitted to trading on First North Premier. NASDAQ Stockholm approved the application for admission to trading.

NASDAQ Stockholm’s surveillance function is responsible for checking compliance of both the Company and the Certified Adviser with the rules and regulations of First North Premier. Surveillance also monitors trade on First North Premier. FNCA, which is Nexam Chemical’s Certified Adviser, does not own any shares in Nexam Chemical

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Financial Calendar

Interim Report January-September 2024
Year-End Report 2024


Ronnie Törnqvist, CEO
+46 (0)706-25 41 85