
rPET-project successfully completed


The rPET-project, which has been ongoing for 2 years together with two European partners, is now completed and the final report has been approved by Vinnova. The aim was to upgrade recycled PET (rPET) through heat activated crosslinking for light weight applications. The collaboration was successful and the project objectives were met.

The main product in the project, foam based on rPET, has been significantly improved with respect to the mechanical properties. These results create new opportunities for material and cost savings for existing applications where similar performance can be achieved with less material. Furthermore, the competiveness of rPET foam for other applications, where today more expensive materials are used, is increased.

The crosslinking technology has also successfully been evaluated for other applications. This opens up for new business opportunities for Nexam Chemical.

For more information about the project visit (only in Swedish). Nexam Chemical has received half of the project cost as contribution from Vinnova. Total contribution received during the project amounts to approximately SEK 2.9 million.

“The rPET-project was successful and all participants are satisfied with the outcome. We have been able to develop a product which is already far into commercialization. The collaboration was very stimulating and we have gained much new knowledge on materials, manufacturing and market”, says Dane Momcilovic, CTO.

Note: This news has been translated from Swedish. The Swedish text shall govern for all purposes and prevail in case of any discrepancy with the English version.

For further information please contact:

Anders Spetz, CEO, +46-703 47 97 00,


About Nexam Chemical

Nexam Chemical develops technology and products that make it possible to significantly improve the production process and properties of most types of plastics in a cost-effective manner and with retained production technology. The improved properties include strength, toughness, temperature and chemical resistance as well as service life. The improvements in properties that can be achieved by using Nexam Chemical’s technology make it possible to replace metals and other heavier or more expensive materials with plastics in a number of applications. In applications where plastic is already used, Nexam Chemicals products can improve the manufacturing process, reducing material use and enable more environmental friendly alternatives. Example of commercial applications: pipe manufacturing, foam production and high-performance plastics. More information about the business will be found on The company´s Certified Adviser is FNCA Sweden AB.

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